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Yes,Your Social Media Strategy Needs Design

In nearly every conference room across the business landscape it’s inevitable that at some point the phrase "social media" enters the discussion. Marketers,PR and salespeople are among the first to engage in the discussions,trying to figure how...

7 Steps for Launching your Email Program

-After you’ve set your goals,investigate the necessary tools for accomplishing your campaign goals -Know your recipients,whether you acquired their information yourself or through a third party -Testing your campaign repeatedly ensures delivery and consumer...

Get the most out of your welcome email

Article HIghlights: * Use your emails to offer a glimpse of your website * If you have multiple offers,send more than one message * Personalize the message as much as you can When I look at retailers’ email programs,I am always surprised at the number of them...

6 Stupid Media Planning Mistakes

Article Highlights: * You have to articulate what each medium is supposed to do,and for whom it is supposed to do it * Don’t ignore your audience,and don’t heavily rely on technology * Social networking is a tactic and a strategy,and you need to know the...

How To Avoid SEO Failure

* Marketers need to be cognizant of what their search information tells a prospective visitor * Choose your keywords wisely and make sure they appear on each page * For each 200-250 words of text,each target term should be repeated two or three times If you’re...

10 signs you don’t understand web analytics

Article Highlights: -Focusing on business objectives and KPIs is key -Refine your dashboard and look beyond the "hits" -Tag your individual campaigns and test continually Web analytics has always been an important aspect of digital marketing,but only...

5 major hurdles for email marketing

Article Highlights:    * Deliverability continues to get worse     * Social media is fundamentally changing how people use email     * Email marketing must adapt for new technologies and the mobile future Email: The endangered...

Drive Traffic to Your Business Blog

You won’t get any business from your company blog if nobody knows about it. To reach its full potential,a blog needs traffic. To get visitors,use a mix of old-fashioned marketing and contemporary Web tools. It’s one thing to start a company blog....

Understanding Niche Publicity

Everyone keeps their radio tuned to station WIIFM – What’s In It For Me. This fact and its implications hold a valuable secret for multiplying publicity opportunities. Let’s put ourselves first in the position of the editor of a magazine for floral...

Publish without perishing: Think niche markets.

Q: I’d like to start a niche magazine. How do I do it? A: This has to be one of the most frequent questions I receive. There are so many issues to discuss here,so let me just give you an overview of the industry. Publishing a magazine is an extremely expensive...

The Worsley Press – Format Newsletter

This is a newsletter of interest to all who produce formatted publications — newspapers,magazines and newsletters. Join the subscriber list and search the archives.    

How to Start a Magazine Pre-launch Interest eNewsletter List

If you’re starting a new magazine,you can build a powerful interest list for potential subscribers,advertisers,or PR professionals by adding an email newsletter sign-up form tool to your magazine’s website. This email database list will be...

How To Create An Online Newsroom The Media Will Love

From time to time,people ask me how public relations has changed during the two decades in which I’ve been seeking publicity. My answer: technology. Twenty years ago,the fax machine was a newfangled novelty. Our primary means of communicating with journalists...

The 10 Commandments of Press Releases

In baseball,it’s said that you know an umpire is top-notch when you never notice his presence.  If he’s doing his job,he won’t call attention to himself in any way. It’s much the same for the writer of a press release. When the recipient...

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