Clove Magazine
Magazine of South Asian Culture

Clove Magazine is a brand new culture magazine that helps share South Asian Culture with the world.
Clove is an international magazine dedicated to the culture of South Asia – India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan. Published twice a year, it explores the forces shaping this rapidly changing region and its relationship to the world – from art, music, film, fashion, architecture, design and literature to social, political, technological and culinary movements. With world-class writing and photography, Clove sheds light on a region that is swiftly growing in influence – one that is home to almost a quarter of the world’s population and linked to a vast global diaspora of tens of millions.

Clove is produced by a team of creative professionals with experience at globally respected magazines and newspapers, leading communications and design agencies, and top commercial organizations. The London-based core team draws on the talents of regional specialists dotted across South Asia and the wider world. We can bring our unique perspective and diverse experience to your publishing initiative or event, taking on projects from start to finish and customizing our approach to your business or organization’s exact requirements