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Localeur Magazine

Showcasing recommendations and locals in major cities in the U.S. and Canada

Get your hands on the official debut of Localeur’s print magazine – limited to just 100 printed copies – showcasing recommendations and locals in major cities in the U.S. and Canada.

It features over 120 pages of recs from locals in Texas’s major cities, New York, San Francisco, Toronto and Vancouver, and dozens more cities, plus loads of beautiful images and suggestions on where to stay on your next trip.

Built Magazine

Localeur is a community of locals who share recommendations on their favorite local places to eat, drink and play to help travelers #experiencelocal. Localeur’s community spans 40 major U.S. cities (and counting) with over 10,000 authentic recommendations. To date, Localeur has served more than 1 million travelers and is a national partner for leading airline JetBlue Airways and Tablet Hotels, the world’s best curator of boutique hotels.