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48 Hour Magazine Launches as Newsweek Slowly DiesWelcome to 48 Hour Magazine,a raucous experiment in using new tools to erase media’s old limits. As the name suggests,we’re going to write,photograph,illustrate,design,edit,and ship a magazine in two days.

Here’s how it works: Issue Zero begins May 7th. We’ll unveil a theme and you’ll have 24 hours to produce and submit your work. We’ll take the next 24 to snip,mash and gild it. The end results will be a shiny website and a beautiful glossy paper magazine,delivered right to your old-fashioned mailbox. We promise it will be insane. Better yet,it might even work.

Writers and artists from some of your favorite publications like Rolling Stone,Wired,Dwell,Gizmodo,GOOD,Lapham’s Quarterly,HiLoBrow,Fray,Paleofuture,and The Rumpus have already signed up. Mainly because we promise that this thing will be fun. No long commitments. No pitches. No grinding editing process. You make good stuff fast; we publish it with other good stuff.

We’ve been inspired by a range of other projects: Strange Light,Pop Up Magazine,Ash Cloud Tales,and The Whole Earth Catalog. But really,it is the existence of the tools themselves that have invaded our dreams.