Did your rates go up this year? Are you concerned about how your customers are going to take it? Are you having a hard time passing along the increase?
Follow three simple steps and you will make telling your customers easy:
1) Be comfortable and positive
2) Address their hot buttons,and
3) Include values when you give price.
Confidence Rules
If you are scared about how your customers and prospects will react,they’ll sense your fear and react exactly the way you don’t want them to. The solution to this is easy! Be comfortable with your prices. If you’re not,talk to whomever you need to talk to in your company to get comfortable. You will be at best marginally successful when you don’t completely believe that what you selling is fantastic for your customers.
Stay Focused on Them!
If your prices were 20% lower,you would still only do business with those who see your value. It’s not your price that determines if people will do business with you. Price is only an issue when they see nothing else to compare. Stay focused on how you can help them achieve their major goals and overcome their biggest challenges.
The Secret Weapon
When you do announce the price,say these words immediately following the number,"and that includes. . . " Now remind them. . .
What benefits you have that your competitors don’t,
What value addeds they are getting,or
What major hot button you help them with
Follow this simple formula,and 2007 will be a great year.
Here’s to successful,stress-free salesTM,
Jenaé Rubin
Jenaé may be reached at www.MagazineAdvertisingSales.com or 954-476-0067.
© Copyright 2007 Sales Powerhouse,Inc.This article may be reproduced as long as it is reproduced with credit and copyright in tact.