It’s imperative that you begin now to create the digital products that will eventually replace your physical products
The last 15 years in the publishing industry have seen a revolution in marketing channels. Publishers now sell more products and generate more revenue on the Internet than from any other source.
Here’s the Mequoda Manifesto: Over the next 15 years,publishers will transition to delivering exclusively digital products. And that transformation will be twice as gut-wrenching as the shift to online marketing.
If you want to make more money selling your editorial content online,you need to start creating more digital products right now. It’s that simple.
What separates the publishers who are making a lot of money from those who aren’t,is the depth of their product line.
If you don’t yet have a lot of product to sell online,you can’t afford to wait any longer to create new information products. They should be digital and downloadable,both sold and delivered online.