If you’re starting a new magazine,you can build a powerful interest list for potential subscribers,advertisers,or PR professionals by adding an email newsletter sign-up form tool to your magazine’s website. This email database list will be a great tool for marketing during the months leading up to your premier issue or online launch. The email newsletter tool will continue to provide new marketing opportunities long after you’ve launched your publication.
Not to be confused with paid publication subscriptions,an email newsletter subscriber is a person that has opted-in or agreed to provide you their email address to receive emails from your company. An email newsletter tool is a web software program or service that allows you to create a "web form" with various fields,drop down lists,or check boxes for visitor online data entry. Visitors to your web site can easily enter and send their contact and email information to your email subscriber database program.In addition,most email marketing programs provide the administrative tools to manage multiple email lists of this web submitted information and also provides the tools to prepare and send the email newsletters to participants of your list.
Capturing the valuable communication lifeline to these individuals as you build your business will allow you to leverage every other form of publication marketing activities you deploy.
- For potential readers your newsletters can build excitement for the content you plan to offer and ask for feedback on the additional features these readers want to see in your new magazine.
- For advertisers you can immediately follow up with potential advertising partners and continue to offer them special incentives to make placements.
Sharing your start up milestones will allow your email newsletter list participants to develop a connection to your editorial style and provides you the ability to build the interest and PR buzz for your upcoming magazine. The list also allows you to bring these visitors back to your site each month to see "what’s new" and to offer specials or promotions to gain paid subscribers.
Taking the next step would be to insure that you can process advance subscriptions online for your new publication and use your email list to reach these potential new subscribers. Using web ecommerce software you can configure a web site shopping cart to process these transactions online. Many circulation management companies also offer solutions or services to enable the processing of these paid magazine subscriptions. You’ll also want to request an email address in this process for important correspondence related to the paid subscribers account. The advantage to keeping multiple email subscriber listings is that you’ll have different information to send each of your opt-in lists.
For more tips on developing your email newsletter list see Building an Opt-In E-mail List by Jeanne Jennings. Try searching "magazine email newsletter tool" or check with your current web hosting or content management solution provider to see if the email newsletter tool service is already available for your web site.
If you have questions or suggestions for this topic,you can contact David Blankenship with Infoswell at (951) 304-4062 or by email [email protected].